Note: Before navigating to an address or street address, verify on your settings if the street navigation was enabled. On your TRX APP, tap the Settings icon>Navigation> Street Navigation, then tap the box to check.
1. On your TRX APP, tap Search icon located on the lower part of the screen.
2. Tap Current Location.
3. Enter the city name/state or zip code of the city on search bar. A list of search option will display. Select the right state name and zip code.
4. Enter additional info on the second row. Example: Street Name or City Name.
Note: Turn off filter options Off-Road Trails, User-shared tracks, OHV Areas etc if you're only searching for an address or street address. You can turn on other filter option if you're searching an address of the Gas Station, Coffee Shop, Restaurant, etc.
5. Then Tap Search
6. A list of matches will display.
7. Tap GO if you want to navigate the address or tap Save when you want to store it on your plans
8. Tap Begin to navigate the address.
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