If you forgot your TRX password and want to reset it, you may follow the steps below:
- Go to www.trxtrailhead.com
- Select "Sign-In"
- Select "Forgot your Password?"
- Enter your TRX email account then select Send. A reset link will be sent to your email.
- Check your email for a message titled “Reset Password” from NoReply
- Click the link provided on the email. Enter a new password and confirm it, then click Send.
- Once the password is reset you will now be able to login your TRX account using your new password.
You can also reset your TRX account password on the Magellan Site.
- Go to www.magellangps.com
- Select Login/Register
- Select Forgot Your Password?
- Enter your TRX email account then select Submit. A reset link will be sent to your email.
- Check your email for a message titled "Password Reset Confirmation for "Your Name”" from Magellan GPS.
- Click "RESET PASSWORD". Enter a new password and confirm it, then click Reset A Password.
- Once the password is reset you will now be able to login your TRX account using your new password.
Still having trouble? Call the TRX Support line at 877-255-4161 or email us at trxsupport@magellangps.com.
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