A trail is an off-highway vehicle pathway in the basemap or separate map layer that is published from a verified source that created or legally maintains responsibility for the trail.
To search using the name of the Trail or OHV Area:
1. On your TRX software, tap the magnifying glass icon found on the lower part.
2. Tap the Off-Road Trails button to filter search results to include only Trail data near your GPS location.
3. Tap Current Location. Enter a city name or zip code, then press the magnifying glass icon from the keyboard. You may also tap Maps to enter coordinates, then press OK.
4. Enter a keyword related to the Trail you're looking for. Then select search.
5. Tap on a Trail from the list that's generated by your search filters to view Trail details.
6. Tap Save to add the Trail to your Plans.
Trails not showing up where you know they exist? A few reasons might explain why Trail data isn't showing up:
- We haven't gathered map data for an area or region yet. As of December 2016, there are about 83,500 Trails in the TRX database, but that number is always increasing.
- Trail names as recorded in the TRX basemap may differ from local, regional, or even historical names known in the off-road community. Try looking at Trails around a specific location to see if a different name has been assigned to a Trail.
- You're entering keywords that are too long or specific. Short, incomplete keywords may give you more results; for example, if you're looking for Hell's Revenge in Moab, UT, filter your search for Trails near Moab, UT and type in the keyword Hell to get all results near Moab with the word hell rather than typing out the entire name, which could actually filter out one or more Trails that you're looking for.
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