2 yrs and no updates for TRx7????



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    Greg Golter

    Trx 7 maybe used 3 hours now shuts off after several minutes on the trail. What is wrong with your merchandise? Says suppose to have high definition maps, mine isn’t. Mine is also 2016 build.  Thought was purchasing a new unit. Sounds little like old stock to me.  $500 wasted!

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    David Dooling

    You'd think that 30 plus days would be more than ample time to get a response from Magellan tech support.  If you guys want continued customer support and customer recommendations of your product to others, ya need to pick up the pace.  Still waiting on a lot of other software bugs to fixed, which have no updated from CS either. 

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    David Dooling


    If you have a receipt, take it back and get a Garmin Tread Series.  Know for a fact that Garmin doesn't keep their customers hanging like this.  If for some reason you HAVE to keep this POS, then I recommend deleting your maps, the system will reload them, then rebooting it.  Had the same problem and this is what fixed mine.  Oh, and don't think for one minute you can download directly to your computer from the web app, if you are not using apple or fire fox, because you can't.  The CSR that was helping me, informed me that the solution was for me to download and use Fire fox.  WOW...  

    You'll be frustrated with it anyways.  Due to the way the software geniuses organized and locked the gui so the user can't configure it, you will most likely pass your turn before, or as, it shows on the screen.  Very obvious the programmers don't use the product.  This frustrates me every time we go out.  Can't tell you how many times we have had to turn around and we are rock crawling in a Jeep so we ain't going fast.

    It has been very clear to me for some time now why Magellan scrapped their public forum on this product.  Don't want news like this getting out.  This is my first and will be my last Magellan product.  Shame we wasted $500 and hours of our time with this thing. 

    Take it back if you can.  

    I'll be saving for a few months to buy the Garmin tread series.

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    Lyza Hsu

    Hi David,

    Thank you for reaching us. I will escalate your feedback to our R&D Team.

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    Lyza Hsu

    Hi David,

    We will post an information on the support site once a new update will be release.

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