Following a Track from mid point and not start to finish or finish to start?
How do I follow my saved track from the mid point? I only see options to start from the beginning to the end or the end to the beginning. When I try to pick up the track from somewhere other than the beginning or end I can't do it. It constantly tries to take me to the beginning and wont let me start at a mid point.
How do I start from the mid point without being forced to the trailhead?
Official comment
When you are at the middle of trail and hit follow. It will show "You've reached XXX. Start tracking?"
If it doesn't show the message, please go around and hit follow again. The GPS might not recognize the correct point you are.
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I had this same problem recently. Would be great if there was a fix for it as you're suggesting.
What I ended up doing...and this is by no means how we want it to continuing along the trail and ignoring turns/calls for a u-turn and eventually, after a while, it caught up with my location on the trail. However, it was a nuisance and not the ideal way to navigate a trail you're NOT familiar with, which is why most of us bought this device.
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