Satellite View In Maps



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    Lyza Hsu

    Hi There!

    DigitalGlobe subscription is no longer available on the device. You can still use the preloaded TOPO maps. Our team is still working on this issue. We will put further notice once we found a new satellite provider.

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    David Dooling

    Been this way for almost two years.  Am of little hope of getting ANYTHING resolve with Magellan.


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    Richard Ellison

    Why am I not able to have satellite view in trailhead maps. not on the device, but online on my computer? I'm with others here who feel they've been let down with this product. How about some promised support.

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    Lyza Hsu

    Hi Richard,

    Satellite Image is no longer available on TRX Trailhead Site. We only have TOPO map.

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    Mike H

    Is there any way that you could add the ability sideload in our own satellite files? Dropping the feature and leaving a bunch of customers out-of-luck is pretty shitty.

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    Lyza Hsu

    Hi All,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    As of now, we don't have any alternative satellite provider that gives satellite images on our device. Our team is still working on this issue. We will put further notice once we found a new satellite provider.

    Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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    Dennis Killmer

    Please work harder to find a satellite map provider. We have all been patient and understanding for long enough.

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    Lyza Hsu

    Hi Dennis,

    Will forward this feedback to the responsible team. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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    Mike H

    You guys have been kicking this can down the road for a year now. Is it actually being worked on? I don’t want a canned response.

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    David Dooling

    Mike, et al, save your sanity and just go get a Garmin.  What we are doing.  Tired of using antiquated GUI's, cartoon maps not to mention that the latency on this thing is nothing but annoying.  Can't tell you how many turns we missed because this thing can't or won't update in a timely manner.  

    No software or map updates in almost two years.  

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