Join Team TRX and help record iconic OHV tracks and destinations!
Join Team TRX to record specific trails and get free stuff. We will publish your track, waypoints, photos and detailed descriptions to the TRX Community and share your accomplishment on social media. Review the list of top trails that need to be mapped in your state and contact us to let us know you want to help. Follow the specific criteria to record the track, mark key waypoints and write a detailed description. Export and send the files to us and we will send you some free TRX swag!
Kentucky OHV Trails and Hot Spots
Nevada OHV Trails & Hot Spots
Tennessee OHV Trails & Hot Spots
Maine OHV Trails & Hot Spots
Oregon OHV Trails & Hot Spots
Team TRX Instructions & Criteria
California OHV Trails & Hot Spots
- Rubicon Trail and Waypoints
- Johnson Valley OHV Area Trails
- Praire City SVRA OHV Trails
- Carnegie SVRA OHV Trails
- Hungry Valley SVRA OHV Trails
- Hollister Hills SVRA OHV Trails